While it has always been possible to use NewsRack as a standalone RSS reader, in practice, most users preferred to sync their subscriptions with Google Reader, and with that possibility going away, the app loses much of its value. After nearly 5 years in the App Store, this also marks the end of the road for NewsRack.

Newspapers Media Timeline: Notable Dailies Media People: George Gilder Media Technology: Newspaper Production CHAPTER 4: MAGAZINES Vignette: Bonnie Fuller Influence of Magazines Magazines as Media Innovators Consumer Magazines Non-Newsrack Magazines Magazine Demassification Evaluating Magazines BOXES Media Timeline: Magazines Media Databank: Magazine Circulation Media People: Margaret Bourke-White Media People: Walter Isaacson Media People: DeWitt and Lila Wallace Media People: Sara Josepha Hale Media People: Myles Kovacs Media People: Bella Price CHAPTER 5: SOUND RECORDING Vignette: Shawn Fanning Influence of Sound Recordings Recording Industry Transforming Innovations Regulatory Pressure Artistic Autonomy Streaming Crisis Evaluating Record Companies BOXES Media Timeline: Development of Record Industry Media Timeline: Recording Timeline Media Technology: Albums: The Rise and Fall Media Technology: Sound Mixing Media Databank: Recorded Music Genres Media People: 50 Cent Case Study: Streaming: Suicide or Success? CHAPTER 6: MOVIES Vignette: John Lasseter Importance of Movies Movie Technology Movie Industry Products Movie Industry: Production Movie Industry: Distribution.On July 1, Google Reader will be shut down. Newspapers Media Databank: Newspaper Chains Media Databank: Newsroom Salaries Media Databank: Best U.S. Rowling Media Databank: Book Publishers Media Databank: Bookstore Chains Media Technology: Espresso Book Machine Case Study: Authors as Franchise CHAPTER 3: NEWSPAPERS Vignette: Mary Junck Importance of Newspapers Newspaper Products Newspaper Chain Ownership National Dailies New York Times Hometown Newspapers Future for Dailies Weekly Newspapers Alternative and Minority Newspapers Evaluating Newspapers BOXES Media Databank: Largest U.S. Media Companies Media People: Vivendi Mastermind CHAPTER 2: BOOKS Vignette: Richard Sarnoff Influence of Books Book Industry Book Products Transformational Formats Book Authors Book Issues and Trends Online Libraries Evaluating Books BOXES Media Timeline: Development of Books Media People: William Holmes McGuffey Media People: Harriet Beecher Stowe Media People: Jane Friedman Media People: J.K. Importance of Mass Media Culture and Values Primary Mass Media Technology Melds MSM and New Media Mass Media Models Economics of Mass Media Media Conglomeration BOXES Media Databank: Media Usage Media People: Christina Saralegui Media People: Johannes Gutenberg Media Timeline: Media Technology Media Databank: Media Costs Media People: Rupert Murdoch Media Databank: Biggest U.S. PART ONE: THE MASS MEDIA CHAPTER 1: MASS MEDIA LITERACY Vignette: Arthur Sulzberger Jr.